coming soon
coming soon
Here’s a novel idea for you.
Instead of having a whole host of “preferred” suppliers who offer an apparent “discount”, couldn’t we have our members become the suppliers for the membership?
Sounds good – you’ve got it.
“Preferred suppliers” are one of our founders biggest pet hates about the “business organisation” world. Not because having additional revenue streams is bad, in fact it should be encouraged, but becuase in our world, it’s the biggest contradiction going.
Think about it.
The number one problem small business owners face is finding more business. It’s a nightmare, all that networking, relationship building, social media posting, adverts, SEO and, and…
It’s endless – and just reading that your heart will probably have sank.
Well, when an organisation is asked “I need (insert product or service here), who should I speak to?”, why is that lead then passed to a single provider who is on their preferred list?
Actually, aren’t you paying your membership for their help?
Would it help more if they pass work your way? Or at the very least, not act in competition to you.
It’s crazy…
If your “need” is that you would like more business, then morally we should be doing what we can to help with that – preferred suppliers do the exactly the opposite.
So at YBW we have no preferred supliers.
We recommend and use our members wherever possible (this website in fact has been created by one of our members) and every member becomes part of “the network” – which should be renamed “our suppier network”
Our Services
Members Thoughts
Brett and the YBW have been instrumental in supporting my business.
<...Brett and the YBW have been instrumental in supporting my business.
It is not just about advice and support, it is also about creating connections with the right people at the right time. I would recommend the connection with Brett to anyone who is either starting up or growing their business.

I joined YBW to help build my client base and build a ...
I joined YBW to help build my client base and build a network of business owners that could help me in some way.
Being a member allowed me to meet a wealth of people from all business sectors helping engage and spread each others message.
Brett's enthusiasm for his work shines through and will help you at the drop of a hat if you need it, he helped me lay out a clear plan of where to go in my business and has really helped me drive it forward - I would highly recommend having a chat with Brett to see how he could help you.